Heute die dritte Folge von Christians Filserbriefen. Sie beschäftigt sich – passend zur Urlaubszeit – mit der Frage, wie wir als Deutsche im Ausland wahrgenommen werden. Loose goes it Christian:
Dear Berger,
the Englanders love talking about the weather and therefore the brother of the BILD is called SUN in England. But SUN is more stormy than sunny. They have no scruples to bescribe the Germans as krauts, using bombs and panzers in blitzkriegs. Many Englanders goes these beatlines on the nerves. Of course, they are not amused, when we kicked them out during the WM in South Africa and they don’t like German tourists occupying sunbeds with their XXL-towels. But lastendly, the Englanders have more difficulties with the highnosy Frenchs or the shrilly Americans. Believe it or not, the Englanders eigently bewonder the Germans.
First of all, that most Germans all laws and rules befollow. Take for byplay, how we ongoes with our rubbish. Where Englanders most of their rubbish in one ton throw, have we a whole row of beholders, one for old paper, one for compost, one for wrappings with Green Point, one for glass, one for problem rubbish and a small one for rest rubbish. You really come into the bredoullie if you simply things so away throw.
Another beliked German fetish is, how we tueftel and bastel to become greener. Many houses in good old Germany are so clever inpacked, that you have it warm in the winter and cold in the summer. Than we often catch up the rainwater not only for the bewatering of our Bio garden vegetables but also for rainwater driven WC`s. And the last eco-cry are now the German cars with automatically outgoing engines if you stillstand on an ample. Machos think, that’s especially good for women, which always choke off the engines.
Last but not least, the Englanders find it good that we Germans don’t have so many Hallodries and Hoibsharige. Take the English politicians, which have a lot of dirt on their sticks. All these expenses tricks which newly to foreshine came. Or the London city boys with their casino deals or cowhandles. In comparison to that, the German taxswindles are only cavalierdelicts. And in the English underworld you find a lot of heavy gangsters, which is not good cherries eat. Lastendly just compare our Fräuleinwunder Lena with Kelly Osborne which is outflipping like Lady Gaga.
Yes, when that nothing is, that the Englanders bewonder us Germans.